Data Centre Consultancy Services

Get dedicated data centre advice and support 

We guide you through the complex world of data centre planning, management and growth. Get tailored support aligned with your business goals - from a team of highly experienced IT professionals.


Data Centre Counselling Services Who is it for?

Whether you operate on a small scale (for example, if you have a small server room) or on a large scale (for example, if you have a number of configurations of server, network and storage infrastructure in one or more locations) - we can help you with

Consultancy Services for Data Centres

In most cases, we offer you a customised package combining these services.However, the four main services listed below can also be provided as stand-alone solutions.

Plan and optimise for what your business needs

Transform your existing infrastructure to meet the changing needs of your business. Whatever you want to achieve, we act as your strategic partner - advising you, helping with cost modelling, timeline planning, feasibility studies and more.

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By performing a full review and asset inventory, we ensure you know exactly what you have and how it is performing. This makes it easier to identify hidden issues, identify cost saving and scaling opportunities, and monitor everything appropriately moving forward.

Do you want to design a scalable, secure, environmentally and cost efficient private environment?

Our certified design team can help you with everything from site selection to space planning. Make sure you have the optimal power, cooling and network infrastructure in place before you deploy. Plus, our engineers can build and deploy your proposed solution without disrupting your business.

Identify opportunities for improvement, optimisation and growth

Unlike an audit, which focuses on gaining overall visibility into your entire environment, an assessment focuses on specific areas of your critical environment. Assessments often inform and precede strategic and design services. Assessments are also useful as an independent service when you need more insight or a second opinion.


Your digital success story starts here